Augmented reality for online shopping

Today our Lead Flash Developer sent round an augmented reality prototype: you turn on your webcam, it recognises your face and puts a pair of cartoon glasses on you.  As you move around, the glasses stay on you – it looks like you’re wearing the glasses.

Also today we discovered a site, as a result of reading Figaro Digital, called Knicker Picker.  You choose a model that most closely resembles you – they range from a size 6 to 14 – select the underwear you like the look of and your chosen model models it for you.

So, imagine augmented reality for clothes shopping?  There is always a risk, when you buy clothes online, that the item won’t fit, or won’t look right.  Imagine being able to ‘try something on’ anywhere?  It would just make clothes shopping so much easier.  No crowds.  No queues.  And hopefully no having to send things back.

Clearly, others are thinking along the same lines.  Take MixMatchMe.  It’s like playing with paper dolls.  There is a model on the right hand side of the screen.  You select items of clothing from the left, and they appear on the model on the right.  Genius.  You can preview your outfit before you buy it.  But the model is superskinny.  And there is only one model.

Augmented reality functionality, of a kind, is already available on Glasses Direct.  They have a feature on their site called ‘Video mirror’ – fire up your webcam, the software finds your face and you can “try on” their most popular glasses styles.

The future’s bright.  The future’s augmented reality.  Or is it?

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