Covid-19 lockdown resources

FREE ‘isolation’ resources

It’s a work in progress, but this is a list of interesting, useful and most importantly, FREE, resources I’ve found or received from contacts over the past week or so. Please message me if you come across any particularly useful resources which might help others get through this challenging time.


Google Arts & Culture



World Digital Library

Museums with digital collections

British Museum

Hermitage Museum

La Galerie Degli Uffizi


Museo del Prado

National Archeological Museum

National Gallery of Art

Pinacoteca Brera

Vatican Museum


Spanish plays: The Teatroteca is a media library created by the Theatrical Documentation Center, belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports and offers more than 1500 plays for free.

Easy ideas for children

35 (of 70) easy ideas to play with children at home, adapted from Estación Bambalina

1) Bake something. We made some chocolate cupcakes the other day and some tiffin more recently.

2) Make hand shadow puppets

3) Make a video of your hand puppet show

4) Play balloon volleyball

5) Play a board game

6) Make some homemade play dough, then let the children use cookie cutters or whatever else you have lying around to make pretend cookies, cakes, pizzas… 

7) Set up a home beauty salon and offer manicures, pedicures…

8) Interview someone famous. Think of some funny questions you’d ask. Practice on someone in your family.

9) Hide funny messages or quotes around the house for your family to find (and smile when they find them!)

10) Have a pillow fight

11) Redecorate (or rearrange) your bedroom. We did this on Day 1. I imagine we might try it again! 

12) Choreograph a dance

13) Play hide the thimble

14) Create and record a radio programme.

15) Copy a scene from a film, but without the dialogue.

16) Set the breakfast / lunch / dinner table in a really fancy way

17) Invent a song

18) Do some yoga. We have found that Cosmic Kids Yoga is brilliant for the children.

19) Get the dressing up box out. Or just raid the wardrobes to dress up as any character.

20) Play “If I were…” an animal (choose animal) / a planet (choose planet) / a food (choose food) etc….

21) Map out your family tree

22) Make a car circuit out of all the pens / crayons / pencils in the house

23) Make a fort

24) Write a journal

25) Make paper planes

26) Make up a poem

27) Play pictionary

28) Imagine your superpower & play the part

29) Play at being hairdressers (maybe without the scissors)

30) Act out your favourite story with different voices for the different characters

31) Make a collage

32) Write a comic

33) Plant a lentil. You’ll need a little tub, some cotton wool, some lentils and water. It’s amazing to watch them grow!

34) Write a letter

35) Do some origami. We’ve made fish, cats, dogs, unicorns


Lots of free workouts which don’t require any equipment


Body Coach (Joe Wicks)

The popular Les Mills classes, for free

Les Mills

For children

Body Coach Kids’ Workouts

Children’s yoga

More ideas for children


Recipes for 2-12 year olds

Learning apps

I just came across this on The Guardian, and a lot of these look worth a try.

Learning apps for stir crazy kids


Subject specific


Help children learn & appreciate the arts


Historical photos from around the world

Cultural, historical & statistical country information


National Geographic Kids

San Diego Zoo for kids

The Smithsonian


Design for kids


See Mars

Virtual days out


Edinburgh Zoo

Melbourne Zoo

San Diego Zoo

2 thoughts on “Covid-19 lockdown resources”

  1. Jontie whitfield

    The Peace of Wild Things
    by Wendell Berry
    (To listen, click here.)

    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

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