
Helpful forms

Every now and then I have a really good experience on a website which makes me think ‘I really should share that!’.  Today that was on www.lostmy.name. Aside from being a website which offers a great product for children (personalised books which tell the story of the character losing their name and then going on …

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Mixed emotions

A while back I read an article entitled ‘Becoming a More Thoughtful User Experience Designer’.  The first example Haugen used in his article was about clearing his inbox using Gmail and being presented with a smiley face and the text ‘You’re all done! Please enjoy your day.’ I have often wanted a clear [personal] inbox, …

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Thank you RBS

A nice little surprise from RBS today as I logged in to do some account admin. They popped a little ‘Happy Birthday’ message up.  I like that.  I like that they’ve also considered the softer side of their customer’s experience on their website.

Where am I?

So you’re on an underground/metro/subway/other urban rail transport system.  You know where you got on (probably) and you know where you need to get off or change (hopefully).  But do you know where you are whilst en-route?  Probably not. Hong Kong’s MTR has a lot going for it.  It’s efficient, the ticketing system (Octopus cards) …

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The final day

Agile2010 seems like a long time ago, and a long way away now that I am sitting back at my desk in Blighty. But for the purposes of completeness, I thought I should blog about the final day of the conference. First things first – there were no pancakes for breakfast. I won’t pretend that …

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