Thursday 19 March, 2020. Father’s Day in Spain. Mr H was delighted with the beautiful handmade framed picture of him & first daughter as well as the gorgeous note she’d written him. It started his day off right! Littlest Harvey presented him with her framed photo later, which he loved too. She’s just starting to be able to write her name on her own and it’s very cute to see.
We’re finding a rhythm and the days are passing in a mostly frictionless way. One of the keys I think is the routine that we decided to keep throughout the week. It doesn’t exactly tie in with the image above, which was sent by Littlest Harvey’s teacher, but I decided to include that image as it’s quite sweet.
8:00 – 09:30 Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, clear up, brush teeth
09:30 – 10:30 Some school work sent by the teachers
10:30 – 11:00 Free play
11:00 – 12:00 Gym
12:00 – 12:30 Snack
12:30 – 13:30ish An activity of some sort – either another worksheet from school, colouring or a continuation of gym
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch & tidying up
14:30 – 15:00 Free play
15:00 – 16:00 TV
16:00 – 17:30 A creative activity
17:30 – 18:30 Free play
18:30 – 19:15 Dinner
19:15 Bath, ready for bed, story
20:00 Join in with the daily applause for the healthcare workers and then bed
And then at some point Mr H & I are finding time to work. I fit in 5 hours more or less each day by working from 7-11 and then again from 3-4. He starts at 10:30 and works through until dinner time with the odd break here and there. He makes up hours in the evening.
There are so many companies offering free services for people to make use of during this isolation / lockdown / quarantine period. I’ll try to make a note of these on a separate page.
Today we used one of Joe Wicks’ workout videos from his YouTube channel. The Littlest Harvey didn’t really get involved, but the older one did. Sadly my FitBit didn’t see these 2 x 5 minute bouts of exertion as exercise. Will have to try harder tomorrow!
We also tried out Cosmic Kids Yoga which was really good.